The France Pavilion, with its own “red thread”, seeks to provide a response to social and environmental challenges by inspiring individual and group commitment. It offers a new vision of the future, one guided by the meaning of life and its most beautiful feature, Love, through a shared, universal worldview.

Throughout the six months of the event and at the heart of the Pavilion, art, science and technology together will feed this vision of Love, and will also foster a constructive dialogue with visitors from all over the world.

  • Loving yourself

    Loving yourself means making the most of every individual’s abilities by improving education, physical health and psychological well-being. This type of love implies a fulfilling life, where everyone can find meaning in what they do and enjoy beauty, knowledge and art, which are the bedrocks of our cultural heritage.

  • Loving others

    Loving others stems from a certain art of living, with hospitality and sharing a good meal being typical French examples. It involves re-humanising social relationships and is based on a sense of day-to-day community with our fellow humans, and ensuring inclusion for all.

  • Loving nature

    The aim of the France Pavilion is to show how technology can serve nature, restore it and make use of it in a sustainable manner. Loving nature also means that our environment, even if it is an urban environment, needs to be a source of well-being and inspiration.

A concept building

In pursuit of the best possible visitor experience
